Epic Rap Battles of History


I can't say that I'm a huge fan of rap, but these are just hilarious to watch and cleverly put together.

Post your favourites below! :D

Ian likes this x

"You smell dog, step into the shower!" Best line ever!

You should see the sequel. ;)

'Here, step in my shower.' LOL. JUST LOL.

We're all going to hell. 3:)

Very classic, but gold, they made some other great ones too.

Beethoven and Justin Bieber was pretty good. :P

Ever wondered what would happen if Bruce Lee were to go up against Clint Eastwood? :P

'So go ahead, make my iPod' LOL

But now you just cwayzeee! :P

A little bit late for Christmas, I know. Still, this ERB is pretty awesome, and they even got Snoop Dogg to collaborate with them as well.

So, who won? :D

Snoop Dogg gets my vote!

Hahaha! :P