GW2 - BWE2 Screenys


Hey everyone

I finally have the screenys from BWE2 check them out and let me know what you think!

Looks like EverQuest II all over again. :P

But even better!

So what is it, a typical MMO RPG?

Pretty much. :P

It is very different that any over MMO RPG they brought some new stuff to the table where is MMO's such as WOW you have a quest giver you speak to him and get told to kill 10 crabs. in GW2 you dont have that. There are no quest givers in GW2 you have 1 main story quest and then all the other 'Quests' are dynamic. So you will be roaming around a field and suddenly a quest will appear saying that a swarm of bees are attacking the honey farm help so and so out by defending the farm. So you can decided if you want to do this or not. So if you deicded to go do the then there is a chance that when you have done defending the farm that there is a follow up quest straight after which would follow the previous quest so you would get something like 'Now attack back at the bees and kill the queen' so each little quest has its own story. Also a new thing they have is World Event's so in different parts of the land you will see something on your HUD that says 'The Swamp lies quiet' then and random times through the day that will turn into a massive quest where 100-200 people will come to one area to defeat one massive boss and anyone can join in there is no need for any group invites or anything like that. It really has put a big spin on the MMO genre and I can see alot of other MMO's following the same system as it works really well.