
Enable Developer Console for Source Games

The console is a command-line interface that you can use to access and issue commands directly through a prompt window inside your favourite...

Pre-Purchase Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

The next installment of the Counter-Strike series is a GO! No pun intended. No, seriously.
You can now pre-purchase Counter-Strike: Global Offensive from the Steam Store with a 10% discount for a limited time. Valve managed to stick to their time window and it is indeed being released on 21st August.

Valve Announces Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Release Date

It's the moment we've all been waiting for; Valve have announced their proposed release date of the long-awaited Counter-Strike: Global Offensive as the 21st of August. Global Offensive will be available to Steam users for purchase at around $15 (roughly £9.75), so start saving those pennies!